Last updated · 24 October 2024
To be one more is to be one too many!
Good enough will never be enough.
Our business is tough. It is changing. It is goddam thrilling.
We have tremendous power over our customers’ success. We can make or break the course of their companies. For better and for worse. We embrace this pressure.
Our business revolves around the enormous expectations our customers have of us. It is a fast-paced environment that some cannot withstand. We can. We fight their fight.
We know we are not perfect, that we will make mistakes, that we have weaknesses and strengths, and that we'll give it all to make our customers successful.
We trust everyone has principles. We trust everyone as a principle. We've been let down, but mostly, we've been pleasantly surprised: trust generates trust.
We hate bureaucracy, egos and personal agendas, gossiping, babysitting, partiality and prejudice, pettiness, and mediocracy. We love unsatisfied people. They keep us changing. We love change. It drives improvement. We love improving.
We assume nothing. We prove ourselves wrong and right. We discuss our hearts out. We hold each other accountable. We push ourselves and push others.
We can't do things alone. We can't code without review. We can't design without feedback. We can't progress without taking pride. We can't help without being helped. We can't have a culture without the office. We are office-first.
We will never be more than 40 people.
If we do the right things right, we'll need no marketing or sales. The quality of our work will speak for our customers. They will speak for us.
We make it fun. Have fun! Life is wonderful.