4 May 2020
6 min read
WebSockets, by keeping a two-way communication channel, allow servers to continuously push information/content into the webpage.
Before diving into the details of the problem lets first have a small recap about these two topics: WebSockets and cookie-based authentication.
According to the MDN web docs:
The WebSocket API is an advanced technology that makes it possible to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user’s browser and a server. With this API, you can send messages to a server and receive event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.
Long days are gone since webpages were just a mixture of text and hyperlinks. Feeling nostalgic? You can check here the first webpage ever built.
With the evolution of the world wide web, and computers & smartphones in general, we started seeing richer experiences. Ajax came into play and webpages started to interact with servers without the need for a full reload.
Well, evolution never stops! And we are once again seeing webpages morphing into (near) real-time experiences.
WebSockets, by keeping a two-way communication channel, allow servers to continuously push information/content into the webpage without the need for expensive mechanisms like long-polling.
As a side note, these concepts also apply to mobile applications as well. It is just that it is funnier to look at the early infancy of the web and compare it to its current status.
Cookie-based authentication has been the default, battle-tested method for handling user authentication for a long time.
Cookie-based authentication is stateful. This means that a record or session is kept both server (optional) and client-side.
The server can, optionally, keep track of active sessions. While on the front-end a cookie is created that holds a session identifier, thus the name cookie-based authentication.
Let’s look at the flow of traditional cookie-based authentication:
A user enters their login credentials
The server verifies the credentials are correct and creates a session which is then stored (e.g.: database)
A cookie with the session ID is placed in the user’s browser
On subsequent requests, the session ID is verified against the database and if valid, the request is processed
Once a user logs out of the app, the session is destroyed both client-side and server-side
In a new Elixir based backend we are working on, we created a GraphQL based API and used a cookie-based authentication.
Nothing new up to this point and everything was going according to plan until we decided to provide a richer experience to the user by having the server push data directly to the page. As we were using GraphQL, subscriptions were the obvious choice.
According to the documentation:
Subscriptions are a GraphQL feature that allows a server to send data to its clients when a specific event happens. Subscriptions are usually implemented with WebSockets. In that setup, the server maintains a steady connection to its subscribed client.
GraphQL subscriptions on their own are quite easy to implement. But, in our case, the subscription could only be done if the user was authenticated, which was something we haven’t done before.
Like most developers, we started looking for solutions first on the Apollo docs, then on the Craft GraphQL APIs in Elixir with Absinthe book.
Problem was that both cases, as well as most of the articles on the web, were pointing towards token-based auth. Or so we thought, as we were blindly looking for explanations on how to do it using cookie-based authentication.
We were missing something basic: Secure WebSockets (WSS) use a different protocol than regular based connections which use HTTPS.
Although, in theory, one could use cookies, as all WebSocket connections start with an HTTP request (with an upgrade header on it), and the cookies for the domain you are connecting to, will be sent with that initial HTTP request to open the WebSocket. It is not recommended as WebSockets are not restrained by the same-origin policy.
Using cookies could actually leave users vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks (xss).
There is a very good article on Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (CSWSH) that lead us to a solution:
As you’ve already noticed, securing an application against Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks can be performed using two countermeasures:
Check the Origin
header of the WebSocket handshake request on the server, since that header was designed to protect the server against attacker-initiated cross-site connections of victim browsers!
Use session-individual random tokens (like CSRF-Tokens) on the handshake request and verify them on the server.
Actually, this is exactly what Phoenix Live View does. When using live view there is an initial webpage render that contains a <meta>
tag with the a csrf
token. We then read the token via javascript, and send it via params to create the WebSocket connection:
import { Socket } from 'phoenix'
import LiveSocket from 'phoenix_live_view'
let csrfToken = document
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket('/live', Socket, {
params: { _csrf_token: csrfToken },
So to prove our concept of “how to authenticate subscriptions in a cookie-based authentication system”, we created a small based backend elixir project.
The project is very simple, it contains a user table and all the necessary endpoints (login, logout, register, and me) to perform user registration and authentication via API using cookies with Absinthe GraphQL.
We won’t get into the details on how to fully setup and configure subscriptions on a project, you can follow the official Absinthe subscription documentation for that.
Besides the usual setup we did the following:
1. Create a subscription that expects the user_count:#{user_id}
as a topic that we want to subscribe to:
object :accounts_subscriptions do
field :accounts_user_count, :integer do
_args, %{context: %{current_user: %{id: user_id}}} ->
{:ok, topic: "user_count:#{user_id}"}
_args, _context ->
{:error, Responses.get(:user_unauthorized)}
resolve(fn value, _, _res ->
{:ok, value}
2. Change me endpoint, to allows the user to get a token
containing his user_id
that will allow us to authenticate the subscription and make sure a user can only subscribe to its own data:
def me(_, _, %{context: %{current_user: user}}),
user: user,
token: Phoenix.Token.sign(PhoenixAbsintheAuthenticatedSubscriptionsWeb.Endpoint, "user sesion", user.id)
3. Create a handle connect function on the socket. The function expects a token to be sent, validates that the user_id
contained inside the token belongs to the current user so that the current user can only subscribe to data from himself:
def connect(%{"token" => token}, socket) do
with {:ok, user_id} <-
Phoenix.Token.verify(PhoenixAbsintheAuthenticatedSubscriptionsWeb.Endpoint, "user sesion", token,
max_age: 86_400
%Accounts.User{} = current_user <- Accounts.lookup_user(user_id) do
socket =
context: %{
current_user: current_user
{:ok, socket}
_ ->
def connect(_, _), do: :error
4. For the sake of this example and to test our solution, we created a Worker that every 10 seconds publishes to all user topic possibles a random number:
def handle_info(:reschedule, state) do
|> Enum.map(fn %{id: id} ->
Absinthe.Subscription.publish(PhoenixAbsintheAuthenticatedSubscriptionsWeb.Endpoint, Enum.random(1..10),
accounts_user_count: "user_count:#{id}"
{:noreply, state}
To test the solution you can follow the readme:
Install the dependencies with mix deps.get
Create and migrate the database with mix ecto.setup
Start the Phoenix server with iex -S mix phx.server
Open the GraphiQL Interface and import this workspace.
Run the mutation - accountsLogin
Run the query - accountsMe
and copy the token returned
Change the ws url token on subscription - accountsUserCount
and run the query
Verify accountsUserCount
value changing every 10 seconds on the result panel
The problem with the csrf token solution is that the token gets sent as a query string value when the WebSocket handshake takes place.
We are not worried about man-in-the-middle attacks as the connection is made securely by using wss
The problem is that query string values are often stored in log files on servers and that potentially means we have a log file full of authentication tokens that can be reused, which is a security risk.
Please do not forget to check your loggers and take measures so that they do not store these parameters or even these requests at all.
Tiago Duarte
Tiago has been there, seen it, done it. If he hasn’t, he’s probably read about it. You’ll be struck by his calm demeanour, but luckily for us, that’s probably because whatever you approach him with, he’s already got a solution for it. Tiago is the CPO at Significa.
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