1 Aug 2020
7 min read
Learn and understand the different Javascript conditional functions - like if/else and swith/case - and how to use them in everyday scenarios.
Since the dawn of the digital era, programmers have been picking sides in several wars. We've got the Tabs vs Spaces, Emacs vs Vim, MacOS vs Windows vs Linux, white mode vs dark mode and many more. There's one that really caught my interest. It's one that I can't really pick a side on. The one I’ll talk about is the war between the if/else statement and the switch case statement.
There are a lot – and I really mean a lot – of new Front-end Developers. People get the hang of HTML/CSS, they learn a bit of JavaScript, and they are hooked. There's just one problem. Usually, they tend to skip ahead a lot of steps while learning something. Front-end developers that didn't learn JavaScript in depth never truly learned how if/else and switch truly work and how they manage data. I once fitted into this category – I struggled over studying the subject and will try to make it simple for you, explaining as I wish someone had explained it to me.
Both these statements in JavaScript are constructs that generate a result depending on a condition.
The if/else statement is the more newbie friendly one.
function ifSearchFor(person) {
if (person === "Fred") {
return "Fred's here"
if (person === "Danilo") {
return "Danilo's here"
if (person === "Brandão") {
return "Brandão's here"
} else {
return "We are Significa"
//Danilo's here
It takes a condition, returns a result and if we want, we can program the result we want to have in case that condition is false.
The switch case, unlike the if/else statement, looks a bit more complex.
function switchSearchFor(person) {
switch (person) {
case "Fred":
return "Fred's here"
case "Danilo":
return "Danilo's here"
case "Brandão":
return "Brandão's here"
return "We are Significa"
//Danilo's here
In this case, we have a main condition that might have one of many values. The code that is run is the one inside the case that is found to be true.
Now, you might think, "Ok, they are pretty much alike but the if/else looks easier to use...”. That's true, and that's why newbies love if/else over the switch. If/else statements are pretty straightforward, easier to debug and better to use when the result of the condition is boolean (true or false).
In terms of speed, if we compare running three conditions in both if/else and switch case, we can see that the if/else is faster.
const iterations = 10000
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
console.time("Switch case")
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
console.timeEnd("Switch case")
// If/else: 1.1689453125ms
// Switch case: 1.181884765625ms
If/else is, in theory, and in most cases, faster than the switch (by some nanoseconds). "Ok, if/else is always faster than the switch". Wait a minute! Let's increase the number of conditions in both functions:
function ifSearchForBig(person) {
if (person === "Fred") {
return "Fred's here"
if (person === "Brandão") {
return "Brandão's here"
if (person === "João") {
return "João's here"
if (person === "Lisa") {
return "Lisa's here"
if (person === "Catarina") {
return "Catarina's here"
if (person === "Márcio") {
return "Márcio's here"
if (person === "Rui") {
return "Rui's here"
if (person === "Danilo") {
return "Danilo's here"
} else {
return "We are Significa"
function switchSearchForBig(person) {
switch (person) {
case "Fred":
return "Fred's here"
case "Brandão":
return "Brandão's here"
case "João":
return "João's here"
case "Lisa":
return "Lisa's here"
case "Catarina":
return "Catarina's here"
case "Danilo":
return "Danilo's here"
case "Márcio":
return "Márcio's here"
case "Rui":
return "Rui's here"
return "We are Significa"
Now, let's run the same type of test we did before and see which one is faster:
const iterations = 10000
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
console.time("Switch case")
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
console.timeEnd("Switch case")
// If/else: 3.76513671875ms
// Switch case: 2.365966796875ms
Generally speaking, when if/else statements are used with more than three conditions, the code starts looking a bit more complex, difficult to manage and the whole function's speed is affected. The difference can be more noticeable, by all means, once the condition's logic gets even more complex. Therefore, the if/else statement will be a lot slower than a switch case. Crazy, right? Well, that's just the way the compiler reads and digests your code. But I'll get there in a sec.
So, which one should I use? This question probably gets in your head every time you need to deal with a conditional.
Honestly, I believe there's a place for both, as they both have their pros and cons. The objective is to use them on the right occasions.
You should probably use if/else if:
The condition result is a boolean.
The condition has up to three results.
You have some results that return the same.
On the other hand, you should use the switch case if you:
Have a big array of possible results for your condition.
Are working with Big Data.
Have a lot of results that return the same.
So, all this sums up this eternal war for you. Have you picked a side? Don't do it yet!
You see, there's a third champion that is sometimes forgotten when dealing with data flow control.
This third way of managing data flow introduces a concept that few JavaScript programmers know, which is Branchless Programming. This concept, highly known in languages like C, C++ and Java, is mostly known for its high-performance value. The objective is to create functions that don't use branches. In the case of if/else and switch, each condition is a new branch. We can stop using so many conditions by using an Array Lookup.
Imagine I have a question, and I'm looking for my fellow developer Danilo, to help me out. An if/else statement can be used to look for him.
As you can see, I’m looking for him, asking each and every one of the eggs if they are Danilo. This can be really tiresome, especially if I have a big team right?
The next example describes the behaviour of the switch case. I already know who Danilo is, so I look for him by going to every one of the eggs, and when I find him, I'll ask him my question.
Have you noticed that the function stopped as soon as I found Danilo? This is another thing that makes switch functions perform better than if/else. Well, you can always use an if/else if/else function. The compiler will treat it pretty much as it treats a switch function, ending the function as soon as it finds the desired result.
The way data is controlled in these situations is designated as “linear search”. As the name suggests, the data follows a line and has several "checkpoints" that might dictate how it will flow next.
The Array Lookup controls data in a way that can be called a "specific search”.
To do so, we need an array or an object, and, to call a specific result, we run an array result.
const team = {
"Fred": "I'm Fred",
"Brandão": "I'm Brandão",
"João": "I’m João",
"Danilo": "I’m Danilo",
"Lisa": "I’m Lisa",
"Catarina": "I’m Catarina",
"Márcio": "I’m Márcio",
"Rui": "I’m Rui",
default: "We are Significa"
function arrayLookup(person) {
return team[person] || team.default
// I'm Danilo
Clean, less code and most importantly, it's super easy to maintain! If you have to add a team member by any change, you just have to edit the object. The function is pure and never needs to be updated. But what about performance speed? Let's take it for another run and test the function speed using the console.
It's way faster than the if/else and switch case. This happens because what it does 'behind the scenes' is to call for the result. In this method, we call for a specific result.
const iterations = 10000
console.time("Array Lookup")
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
console.timeEnd("Array Lookup")
// Array Lookup: 0.85791015625ms
It's way faster than the if/else and switch case. This happens because what it does ‘behind the scenes’ is to call for the result. In this method, we call for a specific result.
As you can see, instead of trying to search for Danilo by going to each egg, I can simply call for him to help me. Using this in conditional functions will highly increase their performance. This way, you will skip the other conditions and go right to the one you need. It's a more efficient way of writing code.
As the web keeps evolving and our databases/structures keep growing, we need our code to be as fast as possible. A few milliseconds might look too small to care, but on the whole, these small changes can shorten the speed data is handled. By using the array lookup method, you will get faster results, and still keep your code simple and easy to understand. Basically, it's the best of if/else and switch case. Even though this is what I conclude with my search, there's no “right way" to do it.
Every case requires a specific solution, and I hope that, when a problem comes up, you will cast this war aside and pick the right champion for that situation.
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